Our Choir sings during the Tradistional Service on Sunday mornings. They practice on Wednesday Nights at 7:15pm during the school year, and 8:30am on Sunday mornings in the Choir Room. If you are interested in joining the choir or have a talent in music or voice that you would like to share with the congragation please contact our Choir Director, Melanie Brooks.
Our Handbell Choir plays occasionally throughout the school year in our Traditional Service. The Handbell Choir practice is on Wednesday Nights at 6:00pm in the Choir Room during the school year. If you are interested in joining this group please contact our Handbell Director, BJ Brooks.
Praise Band
Our Praise Band leads worship during our Contempory Service on Sunday mornings. Our practice is at 10am on Sunday mornings before the worship service, and we are always looking for new musicians and volunteers. Please contact our worship leader if you have an interest, Jason Lester. Here is an example of the music in our contemporary service. 6-29-14